Thank you for your interest in becoming a distributor for We are a leading supplier of high-quality office furniture, and we welcome the opportunity to work with distributors who share our values and commitment to excellence.

As a distributor, you will have access to our wide range of products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. We are looking for distributors who are committed to providing their customers with the best possible products and service, and who are willing to work with us to promote and sell our products.

Requirements for becoming a distributor:

  1. Established Business - We are looking for distributors who have an established business in the office furniture industry, and who have a proven track record of providing their customers with quality products and service.

  2. Industry Knowledge - We are looking for distributors who have a deep understanding of the office furniture industry, and who are able to provide their customers with expert advice and guidance on our products.

  3. Sales Experience - We are looking for distributors who have experience in sales and marketing, and who are able to effectively promote and sell our products to their customers.

  4. Commitment to Quality - We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and service. We are looking for distributors who share this commitment and who are able to maintain the same high standards in their own business.

If you believe that your business meets these requirements, please provide us with some details about your company and your experience in the office furniture industry via Our team will review your submission and get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a distributor for We value your partnership and look forward to working with you to provide our customers with the best possible products and service.